Custom Orthotics

Feel better and improve your function, from the ground up

Custom Orthotics Can Help With:

  • Flat feet (pes planus)
  • Heel Spurs
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Running injuries
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Minor foot deformities
  • Arthritis
  • Back pain
  • Diabetic foot problems
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MORE ABOUT: Custom Orthotics

Are you experiencing foot pain? Knee, hip or back pain? At ATP we will provide you with services that are best suited for you, including customized orthotics. It is normal to have changes in the way our feet work, especially when the pain may be caused by lack of structural stability coming from ligaments or changes that have occured from an injury. 

Our feet take on a lot of force and pressure which can cause strain and increase pain. In some cases, pain occuring at the knee or hip may be a result of less support coming from the feet. If you are experiencing this sort of pain and discomfort, then customized orthotics may be your answer. 

Orthotics are specialized insoles. They can be made from materials that are rigid or soft, however they will be customized specifically for your feet. Custom orthotics come in different sizes and are easy to use since they can be inserted in and out of your favorite shoes. 

Custom orthotics help to correct any structural abnormalities and reduce the stress by shock absorption occurring at the feet. This will help alleviate pain by reducing the stress occurring at the ankle and or different joints. 

At ATP your practitioners are highly skilled in giving you a comprehensive assessment of your feet alignment and will elevate the biomechanics of the way you walk and take images of your feet. After the assessment, we  will help you choose the best orthotics for your needs. Your orthotics will last up to 3 years but is it important to get a check up yearly as dynamics of your foot may change over time and your orthotics may need some adjustments.

Our Custom Orthotics Experts



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